'ls2rtf: Option Public Option Explicit Option Compare Nocase %REM ls2rtf is a script library that contains functions to convert raw LotusScript code (in the form of a string or a file) to formatted Notes RichText. The two main functions you'll use are ConvertFileRTF and ConvertStringRTF (the other functions are mainly internal helper functions). These will convert a file or a string of LotusScript and append the converted script to the RichTextField that you specify, using the internal default styles, which should approximate the look of code within the Notes/Domino Designer IDE. If you want to use your own custom styles, you can modify the global style variables (rtStyleScript, rtStyleComments, etc.) Here's an example of use: Use "ls2rtf" Sub Click(Source As Button) Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim rtItem As NotesRichTextItem Dim fileName As Variant fileName = ws.OpenFileDialog(False, "File List", "", "c:") If (fileName(0) = "") Then Exit Sub Else Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument Set doc = uidoc.Document 'Set rtItem = New NotesRichTextItem(doc, "body") ' - OR - Set rtItem = doc.GetFirstItem("body") '** use a different color for quoted strings, just for fun rtStyleQuote.NotesColor = COLOR_DARK_CYAN Call ConvertFileRTF(fileName(0), rtItem) Call doc.Save(True, True) End If End Sub This code may be freely used in any way you want to use it; however, if you end up using it (especially publicly), please mention where it came from. version 1.0d Julian Robichaux -- http://www.nsftools.com %END REM '** DECLARATIONS '** these are "persistent state" variables that are used to remember '** whether we're in the middle of a multi-line comment or quote Dim inCommentBlock As Integer Dim inQuoteBlock As Integer Dim quoteEndChar As String '** these are lists of words that are recognized as LotusScript keywords '** (populated in the Initialize block) Dim datatypes List As String Dim operators List As String Dim keywords List As String Dim statements List As String Dim functions List As String Dim constants List As String Dim classes List As String '** these are characters that end a word in a line of text '** (populated in the Initialize block) Dim wordEndChars As String '** these are global RichTextStyles that are used for formatting. They are '** set to default values on Initialization, they can be overridden at any time, '** and they can be reset by calling the ResetLsStyleRTF function. Dim rtStyleScript As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleComment As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleQuote As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleDatatype As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleOperator As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleKeyword As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleStatement As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleFunction As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleConstant As NotesRichTextStyle Dim rtStyleClass As NotesRichTextStyle '** constants that we use for consistency throughout the script Const OPEN_COMMENT_BLOCK = "%REM" Const CLOSE_COMMENT_BLOCK = "%END REM" Const CLOSE_COMMENT_BLOCK2 = "%ENDREM" Function ConvertFileRTF (fileName As String, body As NotesRichTextItem) As Integer '** This is the function that does all the work of converting a LotusScript '** file (usually designated with an LSS extension) to Notes RTF. You '** specify the input file name as well as the RichText field that the formatted '** output should go to Dim inFile As Integer Dim rawLS As String On Error Goto displayError '** try to get the input file inFile = Freefile() Open fileName For Input As inFile '** reset our globals and constants Call ResetGlobals() Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) '** line-by-line, convert the input file While Not Eof(inFile%) Line Input #inFile, rawLS Call ConvertLineRTF(rawLS, body) Call body.AddNewLine(1) Wend '** close the file, and we're done Close inFile ConvertFileRTF = True Exit Function displayError: Messagebox "Error " & Err & " Converting LS File: " & Error ConvertFileRTF = False Exit Function End Function Function ConvertStringRTF (ls As String, body As NotesRichTextItem) As Integer '** This is the function that does all the work of converting a LotusScript '** string to Notes RTF. You specify the string to be converted and the Notes '** RichText field that the formatted String should go to Dim lineTerm As String Dim tempString As String Dim lastPos As Integer Dim pos As Integer On Error Goto displayError Call ResetGlobals() Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) lineTerm = GetLineTerminator(ls) lastPos = 1 pos = Instr(lastPos, ls, lineTerm) While(pos > 0) tempString = Mid$(ls, lastPos, pos - lastPos) Call ConvertLineRTF(tempString, body) Call body.AddNewLine(1) lastPos = pos + Len(lineTerm) pos = Instr(lastPos, ls, lineTerm) Wend tempString = Mid$(ls, lastPos) Call ConvertLineRTF(tempString, body) ConvertStringRTF = True Exit Function displayError: Messagebox "Error " & Err & " Converting LS String: " & Error ConvertStringRTF = False Exit Function End Function Sub ConvertLineRTF (Byval ls As String, body As NotesRichTextItem) '** This is the workhorse function that does all the conversion. '** It's set up to convert line-by-line, which should simplify the '** process of formatting large chunks of LotusScript. Pass in '** a line of raw Script (minus the line terminator), and the RTF '** formatted version will be sent to the specified RTF field Dim i As Integer Dim thisChar As String Dim thisWord As String Dim fooString As String '** if this is a blank line, there's nothing to do If (Trim(ls) = "") Then Call body.AppendText(ls) Exit Sub End If '** see if this starts a %REM block If (Left$(ls, Len(OPEN_COMMENT_BLOCK)) = OPEN_COMMENT_BLOCK) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleComment) Call body.AppendText(ls) inCommentBlock = True Exit Sub End If '** if we're already in a %REM block, all we have to do is check to see '* if it's over yet If (inCommentBlock) Then If ((Left$(SuperTrim(ls), Len(CLOSE_COMMENT_BLOCK)) = CLOSE_COMMENT_BLOCK) Or _ (Left$(SuperTrim(ls), Len(CLOSE_COMMENT_BLOCK2)) = CLOSE_COMMENT_BLOCK2)) Then Call body.AppendText(ls) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) inCommentBlock = False Else Call body.AppendText(ls) End If Exit Sub End If '** if we got this far, go through the line one character at a time (sorry '** about that) and process it For i = 1 To Len(ls) thisChar = Mid$(ls, i, 1) '** if this is a letter or a number, we can just keep going If (Instr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", thisChar) > 0) Then thisWord = thisWord & thisChar '** if we're inside a quote, all we really have to look for is the quoteEndChar Elseif inQuoteBlock Then If (thisChar = quoteEndChar) And (Mid$(ls, i, 1) <> quoteEndChar & quoteEndChar) Then '** whatever we're expecting as the terminator for the current quoted line '** doubled characters don't count inQuoteBlock = False quoteEndChar = "" Call body.AppendText(thisWord & thisChar) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) thisWord = "" Else '** no quoteEndChar, so keep going thisWord = thisWord & thisChar End If Else '** if we found a wordEndChar, we need to check the word we've built '** to see if it's a keyword If (Instr(wordEndChars, thisChar) > 0) Then If (Lcase(thisWord) = "rem") Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleComment) Call body.AppendText(thisWord & Mid$(ls, i)) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) thisWord = "" Exit For Elseif Iselement(operators(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleOperator) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(keywords(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleKeyword) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(statements(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleStatement) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(functions(thisWord & thisChar)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleFunction) Call body.AppendText(thisWord & thisChar) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) thisChar = "" Elseif Iselement(functions(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleFunction) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(constants(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleConstant) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(classes(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleClass) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) '** if we have a word that ends with a datatype character, mark it Elseif Iselement(datatypes(thisChar)) And (thisWord <> "") Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleDatatype) Call body.AppendText(thisWord & thisChar) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) thisChar = "" '** otherwise, we didn't find anything interesting, so we can just write the word Else Call body.AppendText(thisWord) End If '** check the single character we've got against the known LotusScript operators If (thisChar = "%") And (thisWord = "") Then '** skip this case, because "%" can start a keyword thisWord = thisChar Else If Iselement(operators(thisChar)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleOperator) Call body.AppendText(thisChar) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Else Call body.AppendText(thisChar) End If thisWord = "" End If '** quotation mark, pipe, or open brace starts a quoted segment Elseif (Instr("""|{", thisChar) > 0) Then inQuoteBlock = True Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleQuote) Call body.AppendText(thisChar) thisWord = "" If (thisChar = "{") Then quoteEndChar = "}" Else quoteEndChar = thisChar End If '** single quote starts a single-line comment Elseif (thisChar = "'") Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleComment) Call body.AppendText(Mid$(ls, i)) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Exit For '** if nothing matches, just add the character to the word '** we're building and continue on Else thisWord = thisWord & thisChar End If End If Next '** don't forget the last word If Iselement(operators(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleOperator) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(keywords(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleKeyword) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(statements(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleStatement) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(functions(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleFunction) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(constants(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleConstant) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Elseif Iselement(classes(thisWord)) Then Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleClass) Call body.AppendText(thisWord) Call body.AppendStyle(rtStyleScript) Else Call body.AppendText(thisWord) End If End Sub Sub ResetGlobals () '** reset the global state variables before starting a new conversion inCommentBlock = False inQuoteBlock = False quoteEndChar = "" End Sub Sub Initialize Call ResetGlobals Call ResetLsStyleRTF() '** these are all the characters that will end a word wordEndChars = " .,+-*/\^<>=()%!#@$&:" & Chr(9) '** populate the lists of LotusScript keywords (R4 and R5...I added '** the list of ND6 keywords at the end) datatypes("%") = "" datatypes("&") = "" datatypes("!") = "" datatypes("#") = "" datatypes("@") = "" datatypes("$") = "" operators("+") = "" operators("-") = "" operators("*") = "" operators("/") = "" operators("\") = "" operators("=") = "" operators("<") = "" operators(">") = "" operators("(") = "" operators(")") = "" operators("&") = "" operators(".") = "" operators(",") = "" operators("_") = "" operators(":") = "" operators("#") = "" operators("And") = "" operators("Eqv") = "" operators("Imp") = "" operators("Is") = "" operators("IsA") = "" operators("Like") = "" operators("Mod") = "" operators("Not") = "" operators("Or") = "" operators("Xor") = "" keywords("Access") = "" keywords("Alias") = "" keywords("Append") = "" keywords("Array") = "" keywords("As") = "" keywords("Base") = "" keywords("Binary") = "" keywords("Bind") = "" keywords("ByVal") = "" keywords("ByRef") = "" keywords("Compare") = "" keywords("Currency") = "" keywords("Declare") = "" keywords("Event") = "" keywords("Explicit") = "" keywords("Currency") = "" keywords("From") = "" keywords("GoSub") = "" keywords("GoTo") = "" keywords("Initialize") = "" keywords("Input") = "" keywords("Integer") = "" keywords("Len") = "" keywords("Lib") = "" keywords("List") = "" keywords("LMBCS") = "" keywords("LoadMsgFile") = "" keywords("Lock") = "" keywords("Long") = "" keywords("LSServer") = "" keywords("Me") = "" keywords("MsgDescription") = "" keywords("MsgText") = "" keywords("New") = "" keywords("NoCase") = "" keywords("NoPitch") = "" keywords("Option") = "" keywords("Output") = "" keywords("Pitch") = "" keywords("Preserve") = "" keywords("Private") = "" keywords("Public") = "" keywords("Published") = "" keywords("Random") = "" keywords("Read") = "" keywords("Remove") = "" keywords("Shared") = "" keywords("Single") = "" keywords("Static") = "" keywords("String") = "" keywords("Terminate") = "" keywords("Unicode") = "" keywords("Variant") = "" keywords("Write") = "" statements("Case") = "" statements("Class") = "" statements("Const") = "" statements("Dim") = "" statements("Do") = "" statements("Else") = "" statements("%Else") = "" statements("ElseIf") = "" statements("%ElseIf") = "" statements("End") = "" statements("%End") = "" statements("%ENDREM") = "" statements("Exit") = "" statements("For") = "" statements("ForAll") = "" statements("Function") = "" statements("Get") = "" statements("If") = "" statements("%If") = "" statements("Include") = "" statements("%Include") = "" statements("Let") = "" statements("Loop") = "" statements("Next") = "" statements("On") = "" statements("Property") = "" statements("ReDim") = "" statements("REM") = "" statements("%REM") = "" statements("Resume") = "" statements("Return") = "" statements("Select") = "" statements("Set") = "" statements("Step") = "" statements("Stop") = "" statements("Sub") = "" statements("Then") = "" statements("To") = "" statements("Type") = "" statements("Use") = "" statements("UseLSX") = "" statements("Wend") = "" statements("While") = "" statements("With") = "" functions("Abs") = "" functions("ACos") = "" functions("ActivateApp") = "" functions("ArrayAppend") = "" functions("ArrayGetIndex") = "" functions("ArrayReplace") = "" functions("Asc") = "" functions("ASin") = "" functions("ATn") = "" functions("ATn2") = "" functions("Beep") = "" functions("Bin") = "" functions("Bin$") = "" functions("Call") = "" functions("CCur") = "" functions("CDat") = "" functions("CDbl") = "" functions("ChDir") = "" functions("ChDrive") = "" functions("Chr") = "" functions("Chr$") = "" functions("CInt") = "" functions("CLng") = "" functions("Close") = "" functions("CodeLock") = "" functions("CodeLockCheck") = "" functions("CodeUnlock") = "" functions("Command") = "" functions("Command$") = "" functions("Cos") = "" functions("CreateLock") = "" functions("CreateObject") = "" functions("CSng") = "" functions("CStr") = "" functions("CurDir") = "" functions("CurDir$") = "" functions("CurDrive") = "" functions("CurDrive$") = "" functions("CVar") = "" functions("DataType") = "" functions("Date") = "" functions("Date$") = "" functions("DateNumber") = "" functions("DateSerial") = "" functions("DateValue") = "" functions("Day") = "" functions("Deftype") = "" functions("DefCur") = "" functions("DefDbl") = "" functions("DefInt") = "" functions("DefLng") = "" functions("DefSng") = "" functions("DefStr") = "" functions("DefVar") = "" functions("Delete") = "" functions("DestroyLock") = "" functions("Dir") = "" functions("Dir$") = "" functions("Doevents") = "" functions("Environ") = "" functions("Environ$") = "" functions("EOF") = "" functions("Erase") = "" functions("Erl") = "" functions("Err") = "" functions("Error") = "" functions("Error$") = "" functions("Evaluate") = "" functions("Execute") = "" functions("Exp") = "" functions("FileAttr") = "" functions("FileCopy") = "" functions("FileDateTime") = "" functions("FileLen") = "" functions("Fix") = "" functions("Format") = "" functions("Format$") = "" functions("Fraction") = "" functions("FreeFile") = "" functions("FullTrim") = "" functions("GetFileAttr") = "" functions("GetObject") = "" functions("GetThreadInfo") = "" functions("Hex") = "" functions("Hour") = "" functions("IMESetMode") = "" functions("IMEStatus") = "" functions("Input") = "" functions("Input$") = "" functions("InputB") = "" functions("InputB$") = "" functions("InputBP") = "" functions("InputBP$") = "" functions("InputBox") = "" functions("InputBox$") = "" functions("InStr") = "" functions("InStrB") = "" functions("InStrBP") = "" functions("InStrC") = "" functions("Int") = "" functions("IsArray") = "" functions("IsDate") = "" functions("IsDefined") = "" functions("IsElement") = "" functions("IsEmpty") = "" functions("IsList") = "" functions("IsNull") = "" functions("IsNumeric") = "" functions("IsObject") = "" functions("IsScalar") = "" functions("IsUnknown") = "" functions("Kill") = "" functions("LBound") = "" functions("LCase") = "" functions("LCase$") = "" functions("Left") = "" functions("Left$") = "" functions("LeftB") = "" functions("LeftB$") = "" functions("LeftBP") = "" functions("LeftBP$") = "" functions("LeftC") = "" functions("Len") = "" functions("LenB") = "" functions("LenBP") = "" functions("LenC") = "" functions("Line") = "" '** as in Line Input functions("ListTag") = "" functions("LOC") = "" functions("Lock") = "" functions("LOF") = "" functions("Log") = "" functions("LSet") = "" functions("LTrim") = "" functions("LTrim$") = "" functions("MessageBox") = "" functions("Mid") = "" functions("Mid$") = "" functions("MidB") = "" functions("MidB$") = "" functions("MidBP") = "" functions("MidBP$") = "" functions("MidC") = "" functions("Minute") = "" functions("MkDir") = "" functions("Month") = "" functions("MsgBox") = "" functions("Name") = "" functions("Now") = "" functions("Oct") = "" functions("Oct$") = "" functions("Open") = "" functions("Print") = "" functions("Put") = "" functions("Randomize") = "" functions("Reset") = "" functions("Right") = "" functions("Right$") = "" functions("RightB") = "" functions("RightB$") = "" functions("RightBP") = "" functions("RightBP$") = "" functions("RightC") = "" functions("RmDir") = "" functions("Rnd") = "" functions("Round") = "" functions("RSet") = "" functions("RTrim") = "" functions("RTrim$") = "" functions("Run") = "" functions("Second") = "" functions("Seek") = "" functions("SendKeys") = "" functions("SetFileAttr") = "" functions("Sgn") = "" functions("Shell") = "" functions("Sin") = "" functions("Sleep") = "" functions("Space") = "" functions("Space$") = "" functions("Spc") = "" functions("Sqr") = "" functions("Str") = "" functions("Str$") = "" functions("StrComp") = "" functions("StrCompare") = "" functions("StrConv") = "" functions("StrLeft") = "" functions("StrLeftBack") = "" functions("StrRight") = "" functions("StrRightBack") = "" functions("String") = "" functions("String$") = "" functions("Tab") = "" functions("Tan") = "" functions("Time") = "" functions("Time$") = "" functions("TimeNumber") = "" functions("TimeSerial") = "" functions("TimeValue") = "" functions("Timer") = "" functions("Today") = "" functions("Trim") = "" functions("Trim$") = "" functions("TypeName") = "" functions("UBound") = "" functions("UCase") = "" functions("UCase$") = "" functions("UChr") = "" functions("UChr$") = "" functions("Uni") = "" functions("Unlock") = "" functions("UString") = "" functions("UString$") = "" functions("Val") = "" functions("Weekday") = "" functions("Width") = "" functions("Write") = "" functions("Year") = "" functions("Yield") = "" '## Internal Constants ## constants("Empty") = "" constants("False") = "" constants("Nothing") = "" constants("Null") = "" constants("Pi") = "" constants("True") = "" '## %If Constants ## constants("WIN16") = "" constants("WIN32") = "" constants("WINNT") = "" constants("WIN95") = "" constants("WIN40") = "" constants("WINDOWS") = "" constants("HPUX") = "" constants("SOLARIS") = "" constants("UNIX") = "" constants("OS2") = "" constants("MAC") = "" constants("OLE") = "" constants("MAC68K") = "" constants("MACPPC") = "" '## Function Constants ## constants("ACLLEVEL_AUTHOR") = "" constants("ACLLEVEL_DEPOSITOR") = "" constants("ACLLEVEL_DESIGNER") = "" constants("ACLLEVEL_EDITOR") = "" constants("ACLLEVEL_MANAGER") = "" constants("ACLLEVEL_NOACCESS") = "" constants("ACLLEVEL_READER") = "" constants("ACLTYPE_MIXED_GROUP") = "" constants("ACLTYPE_PERSON") = "" constants("ACLTYPE_PERSON_GROUP") = "" constants("ACLTYPE_SERVER") = "" constants("ACLTYPE_SERVER_GROUP") = "" constants("ACLTYPE_UNSPECIFIED") = "" constants("ACTIONCD") = "" constants("ALIGN_CENTER") = "" constants("ALIGN_FULL") = "" constants("ALIGN_LEFT") = "" constants("ALIGN_NOWRAP") = "" constants("ALIGN_RIGHT") = "" constants("ASSISTANTINFO") = "" constants("ATTACHMENT") = "" constants("AUTHORS") = "" constants("COLOR_BLACK") = "" constants("COLOR_BLUE") = "" constants("COLOR_CYAN") = "" constants("COLOR_DARK_BLUE") = "" constants("COLOR_DARK_CYAN") = "" constants("COLOR_DARK_GREEN") = "" constants("COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA") = "" constants("COLOR_DARK_RED") = "" constants("COLOR_DARK_YELLOW") = "" constants("COLOR_GRAY") = "" constants("COLOR_GREEN") = "" constants("COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY") = "" constants("COLOR_MAGENTA") = "" constants("COLOR_RED") = "" constants("COLOR_WHITE") = "" constants("COLOR_YELLOW") = "" constants("DATABASE") = "" constants("DATETIMES") = "" constants("DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH") = "" constants("DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_LOW") = "" constants("DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_MED") = "" constants("DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_NOTSET") = "" constants("EFFECTS_EMBOSS") = "" constants("EFFECTS_EXTRUDE") = "" constants("EFFECTS_NONE") = "" constants("EFFECTS_SHADOW") = "" constants("EFFECTS_SUBSCRIPT") = "" constants("EFFECTS_SUPERSCRIPT") = "" constants("EMBED_ATTACHMENT") = "" constants("EMBED_OBJECT") = "" constants("EMBED_OBJECTLINK") = "" constants("EMBEDDEDOBJECT") = "" constants("ERRORITEM") = "" constants("EV_ALARM") = "" constants("EV_COMM") = "" constants("EV_MAIL") = "" constants("EV_MISC") = "" constants("EV_REPLICA") = "" constants("EV_RESOURCE") = "" constants("EV_SECURITY") = "" constants("EV_SERVER") = "" constants("EV_UNKNOWN") = "" constants("EV_UPDATE") = "" constants("FONT_COURIER") = "" constants("FONT_HELV") = "" constants("FONT_ROMAN") = "" constants("FORMULA") = "" constants("FT_DATABASE") = "" constants("FT_DATE_ASC") = "" constants("FT_DATE_DES") = "" constants("FT_FILESYSTEM") = "" constants("FT_FUZZY") = "" constants("FT_SCORES") = "" constants("FT_STEMS") = "" constants("FT_THESAURUS") = "" constants("HTML") = "" constants("ICON") = "" constants("ID_CERTIFIER") = "" constants("ID_FLAT") = "" constants("ID_HIERARCHICAL") = "" constants("LSOBJECT") = "" constants("MIME_PART") = "" constants("NAMES") = "" constants("NOTESLINKS") = "" constants("NOTEREFS") = "" constants("NOTES_DESKTOP_CLIENT") = "" constants("NOTES_FULL_CLIENT") = "" constants("NOTES_LIMITED_CLIENT") = "" constants("NUMBERS") = "" constants("OTHEROBJECT") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_DATABASE") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_DOCUMENT") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_FOLDER") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_FORM") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_FRAMESET") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_NAVIGATOR") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_PAGE") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_UNKNOWN") = "" constants("OUTLINE_CLASS_VIEW") = "" constants("OUTLINE_OTHER_FOLDERS_TYPE") = "" constants("OUTLINE_OTHER_UNKNOWN_TYPE") = "" constants("OUTLINE_OTHER_VIEWS_TYPE") = "" constants("OUTLINE_TYPE_ACTION") = "" constants("OUTLINE_TYPE_NAMEDELEMENT") = "" constants("OUTLINE_TYPE_NOTELINK") = "" constants("OUTLINE_TYPE_URL") = "" constants("PAGINATE_BEFORE") = "" constants("PAGINATE_DEFAULT") = "" constants("PAGINATE_KEEP_TOGETHER") = "" constants("PAGINATE_KEEP_WITH_NEXT") = "" constants("PICKLIST_CUSTOM") = "" constants("PICKLIST_NAMES") = "" constants("PICKLIST_RESOURCES") = "" constants("PICKLIST_ROOMS") = "" constants("PROMPT_OK") = "" constants("PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO") = "" constants("PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT") = "" constants("PROMPT_OKCANCELEDITCOMBO") = "" constants("PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST") = "" constants("PROMPT_OKCANCELLISTMULT") = "" constants("PROMPT_PASSWORD") = "" constants("PROMPT_YESNO") = "" constants("PROMPT_YESNOCANCEL") = "" constants("QUERYCD") = "" constants("READERS") = "" constants("REPLICA_CANDIDATE") = "" constants("RICHTEXT") = "" constants("RULER_ONE_CENTIMETER") = "" constants("RULER_ONE_INCH") = "" constants("SEV_FAILURE") = "" constants("SEV_FATAL") = "" constants("SEV_NORMAL") = "" constants("SEV_WARNING1") = "" constants("SEV_WARNING2") = "" constants("SIGNATURE") = "" constants("SPACING_DOUBLE") = "" constants("SPACING_ONE_POINT_50") = "" constants("SPACING_SINGLE") = "" constants("STYLE_NO_CHANGE") = "" constants("TAB_CENTER") = "" constants("TAB_DECIMAL") = "" constants("TAB_LEFT") = "" constants("TAB_RIGHT") = "" constants("TARGET_ALL_DOCS") = "" constants("TARGET_ALL_DOCS_IN_VIEW") = "" constants("TARGET_NEW_DOCS") = "" constants("TARGET_NEW_OR_MODIFIED_DOCS") = "" constants("TARGET_NONE") = "" constants("TARGET_RUN_ONCE") = "" constants("TARGET_SELECTED_DOCS") = "" constants("TARGET_UNREAD_DOCS_IN_VIEW") = "" constants("TEMPLATE") = "" constants("TEMPLATE_CANDIDATE") = "" constants("TEXT") = "" constants("TRIGGER_AFTER_MAIL_DELIVERY") = "" constants("TRIGGER_BEFORE_MAIL_DELIVERY") = "" constants("TRIGGER_DOC_PASTED") = "" constants("TRIGGER_DOC_UPDATE") = "" constants("TRIGGER_MANUAL") = "" constants("TRIGGER_NONE") = "" constants("TRIGGER_SCHEDULED") = "" constants("UNAVAILABLE") = "" constants("UNKNOWN") = "" constants("USERDATA") = "" constants("USERID") = "" constants("VC_ALIGN_CENTER") = "" constants("VC_ALIGN_LEFT") = "" constants("VC_ALIGN_RIGHT") = "" constants("VC_ATTR_PARENS") = "" constants("VC_ATTR_PUNCTUATED") = "" constants("VC_ATTR_PERCENT") = "" constants("VC_FMT_ALWAYS") = "" constants("VC_FMT_CURRENCY") = "" constants("VC_FMT_DATE") = "" constants("VC_FMT_DATETIME") = "" constants("VC_FMT_FIXED") = "" constants("VC_FMT_GENERAL") = "" constants("VC_FMT_HM") = "" constants("VC_FMT_HMS") = "" constants("VC_FMT_MD") = "" constants("VC_FMT_NEVER") = "" constants("VC_FMT_SCIENTIFIC") = "" constants("VC_FMT_SOMETIMES") = "" constants("VC_FMT_TIME") = "" constants("VC_FMT_TODAYTIME") = "" constants("VC_FMT_YM") = "" constants("VC_FMT_YMD") = "" constants("VC_FMT_Y4M") = "" constants("VC_FONT_BOLD") = "" constants("VC_FONT_ITALIC") = "" constants("VC_FONT_STRIKEOUT") = "" constants("VC_FONT_UNDERLINE") = "" constants("VC_SEP_COMMA") = "" constants("VC_SEP_NEWLINE") = "" constants("VC_SEP_SEMICOLON") = "" constants("VC_SEP_SPACE") = "" constants("VIEWMAPDATA") = "" constants("VIEWMAPLAYOUT") = "" constants("VW_SPACING_DOUBLE") = "" constants("VW_SPACING_ONE_POINT_25") = "" constants("VW_SPACING_ONE_POINT_50") = "" constants("VW_SPACING_ONE_POINT_75") = "" constants("VW_SPACING_SINGLE") = "" classes("Button") = "" classes("Field") = "" classes("Navigator") = "" classes("NotesACL") = "" classes("NotesACLEntry") = "" classes("NotesAgent") = "" classes("NotesDatabase") = "" classes("NotesDateRange") = "" classes("NotesDateTime") = "" classes("NotesDbDirectory") = "" classes("NotesDocument") = "" classes("NotesDocumentCollection") = "" classes("NotesEmbeddedObject") = "" classes("NotesForm") = "" classes("NotesInternational") = "" classes("NotesItem") = "" classes("NotesLog") = "" classes("NotesMIMEEntity") = "" classes("NotesName") = "" classes("NotesNewsletter") = "" classes("NotesOutline") = "" classes("NotesOutlineEntry") = "" classes("NotesRegistration") = "" classes("NotesReplication") = "" classes("NotesRichTextItem") = "" classes("NotesRichTextParagraphStyle") = "" classes("NotesRichTextStyle") = "" classes("NotesRichTextTab") = "" classes("NotesSession") = "" classes("NotesTimer") = "" classes("NotesUIDatabase") = "" classes("NotesUIDocument") = "" classes("NotesUIView") = "" classes("NotesUIWorkspace") = "" classes("NotesView") = "" classes("NotesViewColumn") = "" classes("NotesViewEntry") = "" classes("NotesViewEntryCollection") = "" classes("NotesViewNavigator") = "" classes("ODBCConnection") = "" classes("ODBCQuery") = "" classes("ODBCResultSet") = "" '** new in Notes\Domino 6 keywords("Boolean") = "" keywords("Byte") = "" keywords("Charset") = "" functions("CBool") = "" functions("CByte") = "" functions("Implode") = "" functions("Join") = "" functions("Replace") = "" functions("Split") = "" functions("StrToken") = "" classes("JavaClass") = "" classes("JavaError") = "" classes("JavaMethod") = "" classes("JavaMethodCollection") = "" classes("JavaObject") = "" classes("JavaProperty") = "" classes("JavaPropertyCollection") = "" classes("JavaSession") = "" classes("NotesAdministrationProcesss") = "" classes("NotesColorObject") = "" classes("NotesDOMAttributeNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMCDATASectionNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMCharacterDataNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMCommentNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMDocumentFragmentNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMDocumentNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMDocumentTypeNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMElementNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMEntityNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMEntityReferenceNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMNamedNodeMap") = "" classes("NotesDOMNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMNodeList") = "" classes("NotesDOMNotationNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMParser") = "" classes("NotesDOMProcessingInstructionNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMTextNode") = "" classes("NotesDOMXMLDeclNode") = "" classes("NotesDXLExporter") = "" classes("NotesDXLImporter") = "" classes("NotesMIMEHeader") = "" classes("NotesNoteCollection") = "" classes("NotesReplicationEntry") = "" classes("NotesRichTextDocLink") = "" classes("NotesRichTextNavigator") = "" classes("NotesRichTextRange") = "" classes("NotesRichTextSelection") = "" classes("NotesRichTextTable") = "" classes("NotesSAXAttributeList") = "" classes("NotesSAXException") = "" classes("NotesSAXParser") = "" classes("NotesStream") = "" classes("NotesUIScheduler") = "" classes("NotesXMLProcessor") = "" classes("NotesXSLTransformer") = "" End Sub Function GetLineTerminator (theString As String) As String '** figure out the line terminator character in this string If (Instr(theString, Chr(13) & Chr(10)) > 0) Then GetLineTerminator = Chr(13) & Chr(10) Elseif (Instr(theString, Chr(13)) > 0) Then GetLineTerminator = Chr(13) Elseif (Instr(theString, Chr(10)) > 0) Then GetLineTerminator = Chr(10) Elseif (Instr(theString, Chr(0)) > 0) Then GetLineTerminator = Chr(0) Else '** default to Chr(10) GetLineTerminator = Chr(10) End If End Function Sub ResetLsStyleRTF () '** set the default styles Dim session As New NotesSession Set rtStyleScript = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleScript.NotesFont = FONT_HELV rtStyleScript.FontSize = 9 rtStyleScript.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK Set rtStyleComment = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleComment.NotesColor = COLOR_DARK_GREEN Set rtStyleQuote = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleQuote.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK Set rtStyleDatatype = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleDatatype.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK Set rtStyleOperator = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleOperator.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE Set rtStyleKeyword = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleKeyword.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE Set rtStyleStatement = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleStatement.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE Set rtStyleFunction = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleFunction.NotesColor = COLOR_BLUE Set rtStyleClass = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleClass.NotesColor = COLOR_BLACK Set rtStyleConstant = session.CreateRichTextStyle rtStyleConstant.NotesColor = COLOR_MAGENTA End Sub Function SuperTrim (thisString As String) As String '** remove all the leading and trailing whitespace from a string, '** convert any internal whitespace (space, tab, line terminator) '** to a space character, and change multiple whitespaces '** inside the string to a single space Dim newString As String Dim char As String Dim i As Integer Dim whitespace As String Dim lastCharWasSpace As Integer whitespace = " " & Chr(9) & Chr(0) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) lastCharWasSpace = False For i = 1 To Len(thisString) char = Mid$(thisString, i, 1) If (Instr(whitespace, char) > 0) Then If Not (lastCharWasSpace) Then newString = newString & " " End If lastCharWasSpace = True Else newString = newString & char lastCharWasSpace = False End If Next SuperTrim = Trim$(newString) End Function