Option Public
Option Explicit
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto processError
Dim categoryViewName As String
categoryViewName = "Session Interest\By Day and Time"
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim catList As Variant
Dim category As String
Dim dbColumn As String
dbColumn = |@Unique(@DbColumn(""; ""; "| & ReplaceSubstring(categoryViewName, "\", "\\") & |"; 1))|
catList = Evaluate( dbColumn )
If (Ubound(catList) > 0) Then
category = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, "Choose A Category", _
"Please choose the category of sessions you would like to export to RSS:", _
catList(Ubound(catList)), catList)
category = catList(0)
End If
If (category = "") Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
Dim fileArray As Variant
fileArray = workspace.SaveFileDialog(False, "Export File Name", "RSS Files|*.rss", "", "LSSessions.rss")
If Isempty(fileArray) Then
Exit Sub
fileName = fileArray(0)
End If
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim view As NotesView
Dim crlf As String
Dim desc As String
Dim speakers As Variant
Dim dateTime As String
Dim lastDateTime As String
Dim gotItems As Integer
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView(categoryViewName)
Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey(category)
crlf = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
lastDateTime = "This is a bogus value"
fileNum = Freefile()
Open fileName For Output As fileNum
Print #fileNum, GetRSSHeader("Lotusphere Sessions: " & category)
Dim nextCatDoc As NotesDocument
Dim idx As Variant
idx = Arraygetindex(catList, category)
If (idx < Ubound(catList)) Then
Set nextCatDoc = view.GetDocumentByKey(catList(idx+1))
End If
Do Until (doc Is nextCatDoc)
speakers = Evaluate(|@Implode(Speaker; ", ")|, doc)
desc = "<b>" & doc.SessionTitle(0) & "</b><br>" & crlf & _
"Speaker: " & speakers(0) & "<br>" & crlf & _
doc.SessionID(0) & " - " & doc.SessionDate(0) & " " & doc.SessionTime(0) & "<p>" & crlf & _
"<blockquote>" & doc.SessionAbstract(0) & "</blockquote><p>" & crlf
desc = ReplaceSubstring(desc, "<", "&lt;")
desc = ReplaceSubstring(desc, ">", "&gt;")
dateTime = GetDateTime(doc)
If (dateTime = lastDateTime) Then
Print #fileNum, "<hr>"
Print #fileNum, desc
If gotItems Then
Print #fileNum, "]]></description>"
Print #fileNum, " </item>"
Print #fileNum, ""
End If
Print #fileNum, " <item>"
Print #fileNum, " <pubDate>" & dateTime & "</pubDate>"
Print #fileNum, " <title>" & doc.SessionDate(0) & ", " & doc.SessionTime(0) & "</title>"
Print #fileNum, " <description><![CDATA[<p>" & desc
gotItems = True
lastDateTime = dateTime
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
If gotItems Then
Print #fileNum, "]]></description>"
Print #fileNum, " </item>"
Print #fileNum, ""
End If
Print #fileNum, "</channel>"
Print #fileNum, "</rss>"
Close fileNum
Print "Finished writing information to " & fileName
Exit Sub
Dim errMsg As String
errMsg = "Oops! We got an error " & Err & " at line " & Erl & ": " & Error$
Messagebox errMsg
Print errMsg
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function GetRSSHeader (title As String) As String
Dim header As String
Dim timeNow As New NotesDateTime(Now)
header = |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<rss version="0.92">
<lastBuildDate>| & Format(timeNow.LSGMTTime, "ddd, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss") & | GMT</lastBuildDate>
<title>| & title & |</title>
<description>Lotusphere 2004 Session Export</description>
<title>Lotusphere Home Page</title>
GetRssHeader = header
If (Instr(GetRSSHeader, Chr(13)) = 0) Then
GetRSSHeader = ReplaceSubstring(GetRSSHeader, Chr(10), Chr(13) & Chr(10))
End If
End Function
Function GetDateTime (doc As NotesDocument) As String
On Error Goto processError
Dim dateString As String
Dim timeString As String
Select Case Lcase(Trim(doc.SessionDate(0)))
Case "saturday" :
dateString = "Sat, 24 Jan 2004"
Case "sunday" :
dateString = "Sun, 25 Jan 2004"
Case "monday" :
dateString = "Mon, 26 Jan 2004"
Case "tuesday" :
dateString = "Tue, 27 Jan 2004"
Case "wednesday" :
dateString = "Wed, 28 Jan 2004"
Case "thursday" :
dateString = "Thu, 29 Jan 2004"
Case "friday" :
dateString = "Fri, 30 Jan 2004"
Case Else :
Goto processError
End Select
timeString = Format(Timevalue(Trim(Strleft(doc.SessionTime(0), "-"))), "hh:mm:ss")
GetDateTime = dateString & " " & timeString & " EST"
Exit Function
GetDateTime = "Fri, 30 Jan 2004 12:00:00 EST"
Exit Function
End Function
Function ReplaceSubstring (fullString As String, oldString As String, newString As String) As String
Dim pos As Integer
Dim tempString As String
pos = Instr(fullString, oldString)
tempString = fullString
Do While pos > 0
tempString = Left$(tempString, pos - 1) & newString & Mid$(tempString, pos + Len(oldString))
pos = Instr(pos + Len(newString), tempString, oldString)
ReplaceSubstring = tempString
End Function