import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

 * A class that will get a file from a web or ftp server.

* You may use this code as you wish, just don't pretend * that you wrote it yourself, and don't hold me liable for * anything that it does or doesn't do. If you're feeling * especially honest, please include a link to nsftools.com * along with the code. *

* For updates and more information, please visit * www.nsftools.com * * @author Julian Robichaux * @version 0.9 */ public class InternetFile { private String globalUrlString; private String globalProxyServer; private int globalProxyPort; static int BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; // CONSTRUCTORS public InternetFile () { this("", "", 0); } public InternetFile (String urlString) { this(urlString, "", 0); } public InternetFile (String urlString, String proxyServer, int proxyPort) { globalUrlString = urlString; globalProxyServer = proxyServer; globalProxyPort = proxyPort; } // ACCESSORS AND MUTATORS public void SetURL (String urlString) { globalUrlString = urlString; } public String GetURL () { return globalUrlString; } public void SetProxy (String proxyServer, int proxyPort) { globalProxyServer = proxyServer; globalProxyPort = proxyPort; } public String GetProxyServer () { return globalProxyServer; } public int GetProxyPort () { return globalProxyPort; } // PUBLIC METHODS public String toString () { // standard toString method if (globalProxyServer.length() == 0) { return globalUrlString; } else { return globalUrlString + " (proxy: " + globalProxyServer + " at port " + globalProxyPort; } } // overloaded method to get a file by its URL public boolean GetURLFile () { return GetURLFile(globalUrlString, "", globalProxyServer, globalProxyPort); } public boolean GetURLFile (String urlString) { return GetURLFile(urlString, "", globalProxyServer, globalProxyPort); } public boolean GetURLFile (String urlString, String localFileName) { return GetURLFile(urlString, localFileName, globalProxyServer, globalProxyPort); } /** * Get whatever's at the URL specified by urlString, and * put it on the local machine as a file specified by * localFileName. You can use http:// or ftp:// URLs, and * you can optionally specify a proxy server you need to * go through. * * @param urlString the fully-qualified URL you wish to * access (can be http:// or ftp://).

* * @param localFileName the name of the file on the local * computer that will contain the * information found at the URL. If * this parameter is "", the name of * the file at the end of the URL is * used.

* * @param proxyServer the name of the proxy server * you'll have to go through to access * the URL, if any (use "" if no proxy * server is required).

* * @param proxyPort the port on the proxy server that * should be used, if any (use 0 if no * proxy server is required).

*/ public boolean GetURLFile(String urlString, String localFileName, String proxyServer, int proxyPort) { BufferedInputStream fileStream = null; RandomAccessFile outFile = null; try { URL theUrl; if ((proxyServer.length() > 0) && (proxyPort > 0)) { // use HTTP proxy, even for FTP downloads theUrl = new URL("http", proxyServer, proxyPort, urlString); } else { theUrl = new URL(urlString); } // create a default file name, if none was given if (localFileName.length() == 0) { localFileName = getFileName(urlString); } System.out.println("Attempting to connect to " + theUrl); // go get the file URLConnection con = theUrl.openConnection(); // if we were able to connect (we would have errored out // by now if not), try to get the file. // Use a BufferedInputStream instead of a BufferedReader, // because a BufferedReader won't retrieve non-text files // properly fileStream = new BufferedInputStream(con.getInputStream()); // if we got the remote file, create the local file that // we can write the information to outFile = new RandomAccessFile(localFileName, "rw"); System.out.println("Downloading to local file " + localFileName); // write to the file in bytes (in case it's not text) int howManyBytes; byte[] bytesIn = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; while((howManyBytes = fileStream.read(bytesIn)) >= 0){ outFile.write(bytesIn, 0, howManyBytes); //stringBuf.append(bytesIn, 0, howManyBytes); // to send to a StringBuffer //System.out.write(bytesIn, 0, howManyBytes); // to send to the console } // close up the streams fileStream.close(); outFile.close(); System.out.println("Finished downloading file to " + localFileName); return true; } catch(MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Invalid URL: " + urlString); } catch(NoRouteToHostException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: URL cannot be reached: " + urlString); } catch(ConnectException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: Connection error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: File or Path not found: " + e.getMessage()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } finally { // make sure the streams got closed, in case of an error try { fileStream.close(); outFile.close(); } catch(Exception e) {} } //if we got here, there was some kind of error return false; } // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS // private function that gets the file name from a URL string private static String getFileName(String urlString) { String tempString; int lastSlash = urlString.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash >= 0) { tempString = urlString.substring(lastSlash + 1); } else { tempString = new String(""); } if (tempString.length() == 0) { tempString = new String("Default.txt"); } return tempString; } }