'Convert Tags: Option Public Option Explicit Sub Initialize '** This is a sample agent that demonstrates a method for parsing '** the HTML tags in a String and converting the undesireable ones '** to plain HTML text (i.e. -- "<" becomes < and ">" becomes >) '** version 1.1 '** Julian Robichaux -- http://www.nsftools.com Dim testString As String testString = "This is a test of the new
. " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ "It should also handle http://linkshttp://links" & _ " blah <> blah hTtP://something" & Chr(0) & Chr(0) & "> < and http://qwerty/blah?asdf (http://blah)." Print ConvertTags(testString) End Sub Function ConvertTags (comment As String) As String '** This function converts all angle brackets ("<>") in a String to their '** < and > equivalents, with the exception of a custom subset of '** tags that are allowed (like or ). The modified String is returned. Dim lastPos As Integer, startPos As Integer, endPos As Integer Dim tagString As String Dim newString As String lastPos = 1 startPos = Instr(comment, "<") Do While (startPos > 0) '** get everything between the last end tag and the current start tag '** and add it to our newString, replacing any "orphan" > characters newString = newString & ReplaceSubstring(Mid$(comment, lastPos, startPos - lastPos), ">", ">") endPos = Instr(startPos, comment, ">") If (endPos > 0) Then '** store the text between the < and the > in a variable, for easy access tagString = Mid$(comment, startPos + 1, endPos - startPos - 1) Select Case Trim$(Lcase$(tagString)) Case "/a", "b", "/b", "i", "/i", "u", "/u", "p", "br", "pre", "/pre", "blockquote", "/blockquote" : '** these are the allowable tags. Don't forget to add the closing tag '** for each opening tag (i.e. -- use "b" and "/b" on your list), and make '** sure "/a" is on the list if you're allowing tags below newString = newString & "<" & Trim$(tagString) & ">" Case Else : '** if it's not an allowable tag, replace the < and > with '** < and > (we can check for tags with attributes '** here too, like ) If (Left$(Trim$(Lcase$(tagString)), 7) = "a href=") Then '** allow tags -- you may also want to include your own '** custom routine here to check for "rogue" tags, like '** ones that contain href="javascript..." or onClick="..." (or you could '** just disallow tags completely, and just let the end of '** this routine do the auto-conversion of http:// links for you) newString = newString & "<" & Trim$(tagString) & ">" Else newString = newString & "<" & tagString & ">" End If End Select Else '** if we have a < without a >, then we've got an "orphan" < character, '** in which case we can just convert all the remaining < characters to < newString = newString & ReplaceSubstring(Mid$(comment, startPos), "<", "<") endPos = Len(comment) End If lastPos = endPos + 1 startPos = Instr(lastPos - 1, comment, "<") Loop '** convert any "orphan" > characters at the end of the string If (lastPos <= Len(comment)) Then newString = newString & ReplaceSubstring(Mid$(comment, lastPos), ">", ">") End If '** convert http:// references to links (if they're not inside a tag) Dim hrefStartPos As Integer, hrefEndPos As Integer Dim hrefEndChars As String, hrefString As String hrefEndChars = " " & Chr(0) & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) hrefStartPos = Instr(1, newString, "http://", 5) Do While (hrefStartPos > 0) startPos = Instr(hrefStartPos, newString, "<") endPos = Instr(hrefStartPos, newString, ">") If (endPos = 0) Or ((endPos > startPos) And (startPos > 0)) Then '** if we're not inside a , then convert the link hrefEndPos = hrefStartPos + 7 '** find the end of the http:// reference Do While (hrefEndPos <= Len(newString)) If (Instr(hrefEndChars, Mid$(newString, hrefEndPos, 1)) > 0) Then Exit Do End If hrefEndPos = hrefEndPos + 1 Loop '** make sure that the character at the end of the http:// reference '** isn't really some punctuation that's probably not part of the URL '** (these characters aren't strictly illegal, but we're making some '** educated guesses based on common URL and sentence structure) Do While (hrefEndPos > hrefStartPos) If (Instr(".,?!&:-()[]<>{}'""", Mid$(newString, hrefEndPos - 1, 1)) = 0) Then Exit Do End If hrefEndPos = hrefEndPos - 1 Loop hrefString = Mid$(newString, hrefStartPos, hrefEndPos - hrefStartPos) newString = Left$(newString, hrefStartPos - 1) & "" & _ hrefString & "" & Mid$(newString, hrefStartPos + Len(hrefString)) hrefEndPos = hrefEndPos + Len("") Elseif (endPos < startPos) And (endPos > 0) Then '** if we're inside a tag, assume it's an tag, and skip '** to the closing tag (so we don't accidentally double-link '** something like http://blah) hrefEndPos = Instr(endPos, newString, "", 5) If (hrefEndPos = 0) Then hrefEndPos = Len(newString) End If Else hrefEndPos = endPos End If hrefStartPos = Instr(hrefEndPos, newString, "http://", 5) Loop '** handle linefeeds by replacing double ones with

and single ones with
'** (if the resulting String is going to end up in a text field, you might want to use '** Chr(0) as your linefeed, although you could easily use ReplaceSubstring to '** convert Chr(13) & Chr(10) to Chr(0) after this function runs) Dim linefeed As String linefeed = Chr(13) & Chr(10) newString = ReplaceSubstring(newString, Chr(13) & Chr(10), Chr(0)) newString = ReplaceSubstring(newString, Chr(13), Chr(0)) newString = ReplaceSubstring(newString, Chr(10), Chr(0)) newString = ReplaceSubstring(newString, Chr(0) & Chr(0), "

" & linefeed) newString = ReplaceSubstring(newString, Chr(0), "
" & linefeed) ConvertTags = newString End Function Function ReplaceSubstring (Byval fullString As String, oldString As String, newString As String) As String Dim pos As Integer pos = Instr(fullString, oldString) Do While pos > 0 fullString = Left$(fullString, pos - 1) & newString & Mid$(fullString, pos + Len(oldString)) pos = Instr(pos + Len(newString), fullString, oldString) Loop ReplaceSubstring = fullString End Function